This paper draws attention to the importance of studying grammar based on discourse types. Traditionally,text taxonomies have generally made a distinction between spoken and written language. Current discourseresearch has discussed this issue from multiple perspectives, making distinctions between such categoriesas discourse medium and discourse mode, planned and unplanned discourse, and so forth. This paperintroduces these new ways of discourse and argues for a more precise taxonomy of discoursetypes. It demonstrates the significance of discourse-type based grammatical investigations by discussingthe following issues in Chinese: the basic syntactic structure; the distinction between the ba-constructionand the jiang-constriction, and the use of the interrogative expression zenme. It is shown that in allinstances a discourse-type based approach yields more useful insights into the phenomena in question.The general theoretical question raised in the paper is: Is thee a general grammar of Chinese (or anylanguage) existing independent of all discourse types? It is believed that a serious consideration of thisquestion and systematic studies of discourse types could open new vistas to grammar.
Contemporary Linguistics