Between 1966 and 1975,29 small tombs of the Sui dynasty were excavated in the Yindynasty ruins at Anyang,Henan province.Most of the tombs were well preserved,with nosigns of ever having been robbed.The Sui tombs were catacombs,with coffin chambersplaced at the north end.Most had vaulted roofs,but a few had domed roofs.Passagesled to the coffin chambers from the south.Some tombs had vaulted corridors.The 29 tombs were of two types,distinguished by the structure of the coffin chamberand the locations of the passages.There were 10 of the first type and 19 of the second.Except for one,they had either wooden coffins or mud coffin platforms.Most of the deadwere found lying on their backs,arms and legs outstretched.Twenty-six tombs had oneoccupant,two tombs had two,likely to be husband and wife.Twenty-eight tombs contained burial articles,totalling 579 pieces,including potteryfigures,porcelain,earthenware,gold rings,bronze and iron objects,coins and inscribedbrick tablets.The articles were buried in three combinations.The first combination,re-presented in 10 tombs,had pottery figures as the main objects,though porcelain,earthenware,wu-zhu coins and bronze and iron articles were also included.The secondcombination,represented in 12 tombs,had mainly porcelain objects,coupled with pottery,wu-zhu coins,and bronze and iron instruments.The third combination was represented in6 tombs,in which pottery was the main funerary article.Wu-zhu coins and bronze andiron objects were also found in these tombs.The different combinations reflect the dif-ferent social positions of the tombs' occupants.The first two show that the tombs belongedto the landlord class,and the third shows that the owners were peasants or other poor people.According to the structural forms of the tombs and the characteristics and combina-tions of the burial articles in them,the Anyang tombs are divided in two stages,an earlystage,from the beginning of the Sui dynasty to the reign of Emperor Wen-di(601—604),and a late stage,from the reign of Emperor Wen-di to the end of the Sui dynasty(618).Twenty of the 29 tombs had porcelain funerary objects.This seems to indicatethat in the Sui dynasty around Xiangzhou(today's Anyang),the society was stable,theeconomy was flourishing and the skill of porcelain making was well developed.All theseare of importance in studying the development of porcelain production in ancient times inthe Henan area with Anyang as its center.
Acta Archaeologica Sinica