
区域民俗文化的旅游资源的类型及旅游业价值研究——九寨沟藏族民俗文化与江苏吴文化民俗旅游资源比较研究之一 被引量:76

A GEOGRAPHICAL APPROACH TO A DESCRIPTIVE EVALUATION OF TOURIST VALUES AND RESOURCES OF REGIONAL FOLKLORE ——A Case Study with Comparision of folklores of Tibetan Nationality in Jiuzhaigou District & Wu Culture in Jiangsu Province: part Ⅰ
摘要 民俗文化是文化景观的组成部分,本文对民俗文化类型及其旅游资源类型进行了研究和划分。本文认为民俗文化对自然景观、人文景观以及旅游地整体形象有着多方面的影响或贡献。“地方”的概念是阐释旅游地整体形象形成及特征的有效工具。论文对九寨沟藏族民俗和江苏吴民俗进行了实例比较研究,讨论了其形成与地理环境背景的关系、各自特征、现状及开发途径。 From the view of geography, folklore is a component of cultural landscape and human tourist resource. It seems that assessment of influence of folklore to tourist resources and its practical value in tourist industry as well as related evaluation (continued from page 24)method still remain uncompleted so far. In this paper, folklores were calssified into six types named as belief folklore, social folklore, life hood folklore, economical folklore, tales & folk songs, and sport & entertainment folklore, while the economical folklore, tales & folk songs, and sport & entertainment folklore, while the folklore tourist attractions were classified into five groups named as watching. paticipating, experiencing, deep and assisting ones. The relationships between folklore and human landscape and between folklore and natural landscape were detailed discussed. With humantistic geographical concept of ‘place’, the role played by folklore in the fomation of impression and identity of tourist destination was specially elusidated and analysed. It is shown that folklore tourist attractions of both Tibetan nationlity of Jiuzhaigou District and traditional Wu culture in Jiangsu Province have got their own systems of types and related traits as well as developing way. With comparison of both folklore tourist attractions, it is suggested that the origin of traits of regional folklore tourist attractions be closely related to local environmental backgrounds of both physical geography and cultural geography.
作者 张捷
出处 《人文地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第3期24-28,78,共6页 Human Geography
基金 国家自然基金
关键词 民俗 文化 旅游资源 九寨沟 藏文化 江苏 吴文化 Folklore Cultural landscape Tourist attraction Place Tibetan Wu Culture
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