
江陵凤凰山一六八号汉墓 被引量:107

摘要 一、前言凤凰山在春秋战国时期楚故都纪南城的东南隅,南距江陵县城关(即荆州城)约五公里,属江陵县纪南乡(图一)。这是一处较为平缓的岗地,最高处达41.3米,高出周围平地约10米。凤凰山岗地的南端连接纪南城的南城垣,西北部靠近楚国的宫殿区,襄(阳)沙(市)公路自北而南穿过它的中部。1973年秋,长江流域第二期文物考古工作人员训练班学员在凤凰山墓地实习,发掘了九座西汉木槨墓。发掘简报见《文物》1974年6期。1974年,我们对整个凤凰山墓地进行普遍探查,发现有自秦汉以来的古墓葬180余座。1975年3月。 Tomb 168 of the Han period was excavated in 1975 at Fenghuangshan located in the southeast of the Chu capital Jinancheng, some 5 km north of Jingzhou City, the seat of Jiangling County. It is rather important remains among the numerous Qin and Han tombs exposed in 1973—1975. The tomb is a rectangular earth pit with a ramp and a chamber. Its bottom measures 5.4m long, 3.8m wide and 8.4m deep from the opening. The ramp is built in the middle of the eastern side of the pit, pointing to 95°, and leads down to a platform 2.4m long from the ramp western end to the tomb entrance. The tomb pit is filled with earth in the upper part; the chamber is closed with green clay from all sides, and is partitioned into a side cabin, a head cabin and a coffin room with a single outer and double inner coffins. There were found 563 funeral objects, mostly from the side and head cabins and partly from the innermost coffin. The most striking among them are lacquered articles and bamboo and wooden objects, including the lacquered eared cup, dish, box, zhi wine container and toilet box, as well as wooden funeral figures of servants and maids and bamboo containers. In the pottery are the jar, urn, fu cauldron, zeng steamer, stove and grain container. In addition, there are 101 ban-liang coins, 1 bamboo tablet and 66 bamboo slips with inscriptions, as well as the writing brush and inkslab, jade seal, balance beam, silk and ramie textiles, and food, vegetable and fruit. Judging from the records on the bamboo tablet, the tomb owner was Sui, born at Shiyangli, Jiangling County of the Han period, entitled the Wudafu during his lifetime and buried on the 13th day, 5th month, 13th year of Han King Wendi's Qianyuan reign (167 BC). An important find is a roughly complete male corpse which is 167.8cm tall, 52.5kg and about 60 years old. The skin and soft tissue remain much elastic, with pores, finger loops and whorls and palm lines being clearly discernible, and joints of different parts are flexible. The good preservation of the corpse, as shown by examination, is mainly owning to its deep burial and hermetic closure in an oxygen-deficient, low-temperature stable condition. The discovery of this corpse is of great significance to the study of ancient Chinese antiseptic techniques and pathology history. The lacquered ware unearthed from the tomb is also a batch of rare finds for its great amount, fine quality and high artistic level, with a lot of specimens branded with characters telling that they were made in garvenmental workshops of Chengdu City. Besides, the balance (?)eam and bronze weights discovered in the tomb provide important material for studying the monetary system of Han King Wendi's reign.
作者 陈振裕
出处 《考古学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第4期455-513,551-566,共75页 Acta Archaeologica Sinica
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