1. 导言作为新格赖斯会话含意推导机制的列文森三原则(见Levinson, 1987;1991)中的"信息原则",有一个至为关键的概念,就是.常规关系"(stereotypical relation).它既是启动信息原则(乃至量原则)推导进程的契机,又是理解含意的"符号".信息原则中的说话人准则规定,说话人要"说得尽量少",只提供最小极限的信息,只要能达到交际目的就可以了;
Stereotypical relation, one of the few key concepts in Neo-Gricean pragmatic apparatus, is the lever for the activizing of the function of the Q-principle. Ontologically, it is the form of existence of collective consciousness, and the unit for dissemination of this type of consciousness. Linguistically, it is also used as a kind of symbol for the interpretation of the speech. The main feature of stereotypical relation is its being universal, though it may sometimes show its regional, national as well as social characteristics. There may be three paths to get access to the stereotypical relations incarnated in a sentence: logical, lexical and psychological. The meta - function of stereotypical relation in language communication is to fill in the gap of meaning in speech so as to give fuller and more accurate understanding.
Journal of Foreign Languages