
基于快速扫描随机树方法的路径规划器 被引量:8

A new path planning method based On RRT
摘要 介绍了一种基于快速扫描随机树的启发式路径规划方法.该方法以初始点为根节点进行扩展,直至随机树的叶节点中包含了目标点或目标区域中的点为止.引入了KD树并以前一帧规划出的路径为基础进行下一帧的运动规划以缩短规划时间.用该方法可以规划出最优路径或次优路径. This paper presents a new heuristic path planning approach based on Rapidly-exploring Random Tree. Starting with an initial point as the root, the tree is expanded until the nodes include the goal point or a point within the goal area. In order to enhance the efficiency of the planning, KD structure is used and the path of the next frame of picture is calculated on the basis of former data. With this method an optimal or second-optimal path can be found.
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第7期963-965,共3页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
基金 天津市高校科技发展基金项目.
关键词 足球机器人 路径规划 快速扫描随机树 启发式 robot soccer path planning rapidly-exploring random tree heuristic
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