崔氏墓地位于今淄博市临淄区(驻地辛店)大武公社窝托村南约400米,依黄山北麓,北濒乌河,距胶济铁路1.5公里,东北距辛店6公里(图一)。1973年冬,辛店电厂在施工过程中,于该厂东南部发现了墓葬。省文物主管部门获悉后,随即派人调查,并在工程指挥部的配合下,清理了十四座墓葬(工地编号 M1—14)。现把发掘情况报道如下。
In the winter of 1973,the department in charge of antiquities,magking use of the oppor-
tunity offered by the construction of the Xindian Power Station,cleared up 14 tombs of the
Northern Dynasties at the construction site.
All the 14 tombs are stone structures,and with the exception of Tomb No.5,which has a rectangular tomb chamber built of stone slabs,all the other tombs have round chambers.All
the walls and ceilings of the tomb chambers are built with irregular stone slabs laid in the herring-
bone pattern,and all the ceiling are domed.Each tomb has either a door of two leaves,or its
entrance is sealed up with stone slabs.All the burial things in the tombs have completely deca-
yed,and there are no skeletal remains of the tomb owners left.
All the tombs were robbed in their early days and only some fragments of the funerary
objects were found,which include pottery figures,animal models, miniature objects of daily
use and a small number of celadon vessels,and copper coins.Six epitaphs were found in five
tombs,which show that the date of this group of tombs extends fro the Northern Wei Dyna-
sty(386—534)to the Eastern Wei Dynasty(534—550)and the Northern Qi Dynasty(550
—557),and that they are the tombs of the local Cui dan.The tomb owners Cui Hong,Cui
Hun and others were related as father,son,nephew or brother with one another.The Cui fa-
mily was a distinguished one at the time and was a branch of the Cui clan of Qinghe area.The-
se Cui's were actually the descendents of Cui Kuang,who followed Murong De,king of State
Yan(one of the 16 states of the late Jin Dynasty)to the south and settled down there.
The excavation of this group of tombs has provided us with extremely precious source
materials for the study of the politics,economy,culture and the rise and fall of the big families
of the Northern Dynasties as well as their clan burial practice.
Acta Archaeologica Sinica