如何改变公共外语教学长期落后于形势的状况,以适应我国四个现代化的需要?这个问题,不少同志都在认真考虑、研究。这里,谈谈自己的一点尝试,和同志们交流。 1980年暑假后,我担任西北工业大学八○级英语试点班的课。这个班基本上由高考英语成绩60分以上的学生组成,采用上海交大科技外语系吴银庚主编的理工科试用教材《英语》(人民教育出版社)。由于教材是新编的,要求较高,相应地需要采取一些新的措施。我想不应该沿用语法—翻译法。
This paper presents a summing-up of an experiment in EST teaching carried out in 1980-82 at theNorthwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, Shaanxi. More than sixty students of the 1980 enrollment wereinvolved in the experiment. In lieu of the outdated grammar-translation method, a multiple line of approachwas adopted, with especial emphasis on developing reading fluency. The results were encouraging. A testgiven at the end of the programme showed the participants to be better in their performance, on an average,than candidates taking entrance examinations for postgraduate studies at the same university. The chief fac-tors which contributed to the success of the programme were: careful overall planning; purposeful focusingof teaching and learning efforts; exposing the students to the maximum amount of English in use, above allthrough conducting classwork in English; diversified forms of activities; guidance in correct methods of lan-guage learning and encouragement of independent work; close cooperation between teacher and students;solicitude shown by the leadership and assistance received from many quarters.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research