1992年12月至1993年4月,山西省和离石县文物考古部门在配合“改河(三川河)扩城”基建工程的考古发掘中,于城西南马茂庄村西山塬上,发现3座东汉画像石墓(编号为14号、19号、44号墓),出土一批汉画像石和少量随葬器物(图一)。 1990年这里曾发现过画像石墓,这次发现的3座墓中,19号墓东北距1990年发掘的2号墓约20米,14号墓位于19号墓以西18米处。墓皆南向,说明这里可能是一处家族茔地。
Located at Mamao village, Lishi county, Shanxi province, the three tombs, coded as M14, M19 and M44, were excavated by archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeology of Shanxi Province from December of 1992 to April of 1993.Most of the relief are found on the door lintel, frame and plinth as well as the wall of the passage linking ante-chamber and rear-chamber. They show itinerary scene, mythical figures, rare animals, architectural details and so on. The door frame and lintel of M14 bear inscriptions in archaic li script referring to the tomb occupant.Judging by the unearthed objects and relief, the tomb is dated to somewhere between the eras of emperors Huan and Ling of the Eastern Han dynasty.
Cultural Relics