
博物馆内主要污染气体的检测及其分布状况的研究 被引量:2

Studies on the methods for measurement of gaseous air pollutants and its distributions within museum
摘要 采用常用的基准方法对文物具有普遍危害性的 S0_2,NO_2、O_2 进行了测定.研究了适宜检测博物馆内大气污染状况的 TEA 纸片法.运用了 TEA 纸片法对上海博物馆内二氧化硫和二氧化氮的分布状况进行了测定研究. The principal air pollutants(SO_2,NO_2,O_3)and its significance to conservation are briefly described.The international standard methods for measurement of SO_2,NO_2 are used.And the eugenol-formaldehyde method for measurement of O_3 is adopted.It has been shown that gaseous air pollution(SO_2,NO_2,O_3)exists in significant concentrations indoor and outdoor the museum.The pollutant levels are different according to the position,the orientation and the time of measurement.Furthermore the concentrations of SO_2 vary considerably throughout the ancient sculpture and Chinses painting exibition.The SO_2 levels change rapidly depending on weather conditions.Especially the triethyleneamide(TEA)paper-stripe method has been studied.This is the most simple and useful technique for the measurement of sulphur dioxide,nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde.The method is very cheap and easy.It requires no special equipment and has no noise.This is a method of quantitative analysis and its results are quite reliable and accurate.Its relative standard deviation is below 7%.Furthermore the results are accumulative,measuring the total pollution over one or several days at a precise point,and the value is shown by μ g/cm^2.day.On the basis of a number of experimental data,the exchange coefficient(K)can be calculated through the mathematical statistics.The concentrations of SO_2,NO_2 in the air(μ g/m^3)will be obtained by the exchange fomula[C(μ g/m^3)=K.x].The technique has been adopted for monitoring and studing the distribution of air pollution within Shanghai Museum.It is possible to map the pollutant levels in different points.This is a useful technique in Pollution(SO_2,NO_2)measurement and can be adopted by conservators.
出处 《文物保护与考古科学》 1990年第1期6-13,共8页 Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology
关键词 大气污染物 二氧化硫 TEA 纸片法 室内污染气体分布 Air pollutants Sulphur dioxide Triethyleneamide (TEA)paper-stripe method The distribution of air pollution indoor
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