

Value of multi-slice helical CT reconstruction for insidious fracture of joints
摘要 目的探讨多层螺旋CT重建技术对关节隐性骨折的诊断价值。方法对54例X线平片未显示而临床怀疑有骨折的关节外伤患者进行MSCT扫描,图像通过特殊的软件包在工作站上进行后处理,如多平面重建(multiplaner reconstruction,MPR)、容积重建技术(volume rendering tech-nique,VRT)及三维表面遮盖法(surface shade display,SSD),得到外伤部位骨骼高清晰度的二维和三维图像。结果24例经MSCT重建后显示有明确的骨折线。结论MSCT重建对临床怀疑而X线不能确诊为骨折的病例能准确地作出诊断,并对治疗方案的选择及预后的估计有重要价值。 Objective To evaluate the value of multi-slice helical CT reconstruction for the occult fracture of the joint.Methods 54 patients suspicious of joint fracture but negative on plain X-ray film were performed with multiplaner reconstruction(MPR),volume rendering technique(VRT) and surface shade display(SSD) in a work station.Results 24 joint fractures were detected by MSCT scanning,and MSCT imaging clearly displayed fracture line position,lesion range and malposition of fracture fragments. Conclusions MSCT reconstruction can be used to diagnose definitely insidious fracture,and plays an important role in selecting therapy and evaluating prognosis.
机构地区 解放军第
出处 《总装备部医学学报》 2006年第3期139-140,188,共3页 Medical Journal of General Equipment Headquarters
关键词 关节骨折 螺旋CT 图像重建 Joint Fracture Helical CT Image reconstruction
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