

Rethinking the "China Model" : the Role of the State
摘要 近年来,随着我国在现代化道路上取得的令人瞩目的成就,有关"中国模式"的讨论便在国内外学者之间逐步升温。但由于其在不同的研究背景下有着迥异的解释框架、概念界定与特征归纳,所以学界对相关问题的研究始终存在着较大分歧。可如果另辟蹊径,将"国家角色"作为研究视角、并通过对现实情境的经验性观察去重新思考"中国模式"的话,便能赋予其较为确切的内涵。在此一研究路径之下,"中国模式"内含的"国家角色"便呈现为发展至上、稳字当头、灵活创新和独立自主这四大特征。 With China’s fruitful modernization drive over the years,the “China Model”has gradually become a hot academic issue among scholars at home and abroad.Studies in this regard have large differences due to their diversified explanatory frameworks,definitions and characteristics depending on varied backgrounds.Therefore, a new perspective,say,that of the “role of the state”should be adopted in rethinking the “China Model”.As a result,the nature of the China model can be better understood with the support of empirical observation.In this essay,“the role of the state”in the “China Model”is characterized by the supremacy of development,stability prioritized,flexibility,innovation,and independence.
作者 詹轶
出处 《江南社会学院学报》 2014年第1期56-60,共5页 Journal of Jiangnan Social University
关键词 “中国模式” 国家角色 经验性观察 'China Model' the Role of the State Empirical Observation
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