
三起事故中11例过量受照人员的医学处理及心理测评 被引量:2

Medical Treatment and Psychological Assessment of 11 Cases with Overdose Exposure in Three Radiation Accidents
摘要 介绍了三起放射事故的梗概,以及事故中11例过量受照人员的病史采集、实验室检查、生物剂量估算、医学处理及心理测评,探讨了急、慢性过量受照人员的生物和心理学效应。结果表明,192Ir急性外照射者A诊断为急性放射性皮肤损伤Ⅱ度,经局部保守治疗后好转;4例X线慢性外照射受照者诊断为观察对象;生物剂量未估出;过量受照及医学处理经过对受照人员心理状况有较大影响。结果提示,受照者大多会出现一系列的心理变化,通过进行科学的心理测评和指导,有利于受照者的心理康复。 The medical history was collected from 11 cases in 3 accidents using ”face to face” mode .These cases were examined using blood cell analysis ,liver and renal function ,immune function ,endocrine function et al .The biological dose was estimated using the analysis of peripheral blood lymphocyte chromosome aberra-tion ,Gbanding and the micronucleus (CB ) .The psychological status of cases ,before and after the treatment of radiation workers ,was evaluated by application of Cattell sixteen personality factor Test (16PF) ,self rating depression scale (SDS ) and self rating anxiety scale (SAS ) .The results showed that the worker exposed to 192 Ir was diagnosed with acute radiological skin injury degree II by GSH and has been largely improving after the local conservative treatment .The 4 cases of chronic radiation injuries were diagnosed as the object of ob-servation ,without biological dose estimated .There was a big psychological influence over the overexposed . The research also indicated that most of the accidents were caused by human error and the victims will repre-sent appear aseries of psychological changes after the accident .
出处 《辐射防护通讯》 2014年第1期20-24,共5页 Radiation Protection Bulletin
关键词 放射事故 过量照射 医学处理 心理测评 Radiation accident Excess Exposure Medical treatment Mental health
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