
不同蛋白质饲料对宣汉黄牛瘤胃固相粘附蛋白分解菌数量的影响 被引量:3

Different Protein Sources Dietary Affect the Quantities of Rumen Proteobacteria Adhensive to Solid Fractions in Xuanhan Yellow Cattle
摘要 旨在研究豆粕、菜粕和棉粕3种蛋白质饲料对四川宣汉黄牛瘤胃固相粘附蛋白分解菌[嗜淀粉瘤胃杆菌(R.amylophilus)、溶纤维丁酸弧菌(B.fibrisolvens)、瘤胃普雷沃氏菌(P.ruminicoal)和牛链球菌(S.bovis)]数量的影响。选用4头健康且体重相近装有永久瘤胃瘘管的宣汉黄牛,采用4×4的拉丁方设计,共4期,每期10d,分别饲喂以豆粕(SBM)、菜粕(RSM)和棉粕(CSM)替换基础日粮(CN)精料15%的日粮,采用PCR技术分析蛋白分解菌数量的变化。结果表明:1)豆粕组嗜淀粉瘤胃杆菌、溶纤维丁酸弧菌、栖瘤胃普雷沃氏菌和牛链球菌的数量分别在采食后9、9、5和5h时达到最大值,菜粕组分别在采食后3、7、7和1h时达到最大值,棉粕组分别在采食后9、9、7和1h时达到最大值;2)豆粕组嗜淀粉瘤胃杆菌数量的平均值最高,棉粕组最低(P<0.05);棉粕组溶纤维丁酸弧菌、栖瘤胃普雷沃氏菌和牛链球菌数量的平均值最高,豆粕组最低(P<0.05)。综上,不同蛋白质饲料显著影响瘤胃固相粘附蛋白分解菌的数量,以棉粕对瘤胃固相粘附蛋白分解菌的促进效应最好。 The objective of this paper was to investigate the effects of three protein feeds(soybean meal,rapeseed meal and cottonseed meal)on quantities of ruminal proteobacteria(R.amylophilus,B.fibrisolvens,P.ruminicoal and S.bovis)adhered to solid fractions in Sichuan Xuanhan Yellow cattle.Four rumen-cannulated Xuanhan Yellow cattle with similar healthy and weight were each fed four diets with different protein feeds over a period in a 4×4 Latin Square design,which were basal diet(CN),replaced 15%concentration of basal diet with soybean meal(SBM),rapeseed meal(RSM)and cottonseed meal(CSM),respectively.The PCR technique was used to analyze the change of the population of ruminal proteobacteria adhensive to solid fractions.The results showed that:1)the quantities of R.amylophilus,B.fibrisolvens,P.ruminicoal and S.Bovis in group SBM reached the highest point at 9,9,5and 5hafter morning feeding,the group RSM at 3,7,7and 1h,the group CSM at 9,9,7and 1h.2)the highest mean value was found in group SBM while the lowest in the group CSM on R.amylophilus(P<0.05)quantity;the highest mean value was recorded in group CSM while the lowest in SBM on the quantities of B.fibri-solvens,P.ruminicoal and S.Bovis(P<0.05)quantities.In conclusion,different protein feeds significantly affected the quantities of ruminal proteobacteria,and cottonseed meal had a better promoting effect on ruminal proteobacteria adhensive to solid fractions.
出处 《畜牧兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期953-959,共7页 ACTA VETERINARIA ET ZOOTECHNICA SINICA
基金 国家肉牛牦牛产业技术体系(CARS-38) 农业部公益性行业专项饲料营养价值与畜禽饲养标准研究与应用(20090300608)
关键词 菜粕 豆粕 棉粕 宣汉黄牛 蛋白分解菌 rapeseed meal soybean meal cottonseed meal Xuanhan Yellow cattle ruminal pro-teobacteria
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