

Distributed Video Coding Based on DCT-domain
摘要 在简单介绍空域Wyner-Ziv分布式视频编码的基础上,给出了一种编码复杂度较低的基于变换域分布式视频编码方法。仿真结果表明此算法的编码性能优于空域Wyner-Ziv编码算法。 In this paper,pix-domain Wyner-Ziv video coding is introduced.And then a kind of Distributed Video Coding(DVC) based on DCT-domain,with low-complexity encoding is presented.The experimental results show the analysis of distributed video coding has a high encoding rate with an advantage of performance than pix-domain Wyner-Ziv distributed video coding.
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2009年第S2期63-65,共3页 Video Engineering
基金 江苏高校研究生创新计划项目(CX07B-107Z)
关键词 分布式视频编码 WYNER-ZIV编码 空域编码 频域编码 编码复杂度 DVC Wyner-Ziv coding pix-domain encoding transform-domain encoding encoding complexity
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