Both correlation analysis and case study indi-cate that Antarctic oscillation (AAO) is closely related withsummer rainfall in eastern China. When AAO is stronger inboreal spring, especially in May, there is more mei-yu rain-fall in summer with a longer period along the Yangtze andHuaihe River valley. In contrast, there is less rainfall with ashorter period corresponding to a weaker AAO. Besides, ananomalous AAO changes the position and intensity of severalcirculation systems, which are important to summer rainfallalong the Yangtze and Huaihe River valley. Furthermore, theAntarctic sea ice is negatively correlated with the intensity ofAAO with a 6-month leading time. The result in this studyprovides a new method for the prediction of mei-yu.
Both correlation analysis and case study indi- cate that Antarctic oscillation (AAO) is closely related with summer rainfall in eastern China. When AAO is stronger in boreal spring, especially in May, there is more mei-yu rain- fall in summer with a longer period along the Yangtze and Huaihe River valley. In contrast, there is less rainfall with a shorter period corresponding to a weaker AAO. Besides, an anomalous AAO changes the position and intensity of several circulation systems, which are important to summer rainfall along the Yangtze and Huaihe River valley. Furthermore, the Antarctic sea ice is negatively correlated with the intensity of AAO with a 6-month leading time. The result in this study provides a new method for the prediction of mei-yu.