美国十九世纪女作家范妮·弗恩的长篇小说《露丝·霍尔》具有与众不同的革命意义。这种革命意义体现于小说犀利、辛辣的文风 ,貌似松散、实则紧凑有致的结构和提倡女性独立的主题。正是这些特点使得这部小说在十九世纪女作家的作品中标新立异。
Ruth Hall, a novel written by the 19th centrry female writer Fanny Fern, is a book of revolutionary significance. This is shown in its sharp and satirical style, seemingly loose but very effective structure and its ardent advocation for women's economic independence, which makes the novel an extremely powerful one among its contemporaries. Key words style, structure, women's independence, revoltuionary significaance
Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University