
中西医结合治疗重症糖尿病足330例临床总结 被引量:5

Severe Diabetic Foot Treated by Integrated Medicine,Report of 330 Cases
摘要 目的 :探讨整体与局部相结合的方法治疗重症糖尿病足的疗效。 方法 :将 330例重症糖尿病足患者按照病情分级标准分为轻、中、重三度。在整体治疗上 ,采取中医扶正祛邪和西药控制血糖 ,抗感染 ,及恢复心、肺、肾功能等治疗方法。在局部治疗上 ,结合清创、中药外用、点状植皮等中西医结合治疗方法。 结果 :轻、中、重患者的治愈率分别为 83 33%、86 4 0 %、6 6 89% ,总治愈率为 76 97% ,截肢率为 6 0 6 % ,病死率为 1 5 2 %。 结论 :整体与局部相结合的方法治疗重症糖尿病足 ,可取得满意的疗效。 Objective To evaluate therapeutic effect of the method associating the whole with the part in the treatment of foot gangrene caused by diabetes mellitus Methods A total of 330 patients with severe diabetic foot were classified into the mild,moderate and severe groups by the classification standard.They were treated with traditional Chinese medicine through the method of enhancing vitality and expelling pathogens,together with blood sugar control,anti-infection,improving local microcirculation and supporting cardiac,pulmonary,renal and nervous system functions by westerm medicine coobined by local debridement,external use of traditional herbal medicine and scaling skin grafting.Results The cure rate for patients of mild,moderate and severe cases was respectively 83.33%,86.40%.66.89%,the overall cure rate was 76.79%,the rate of amputation was 6.06%,and the mortality 1.52%. Conclusion The therapeutic principle associating the body as a whole with the part to treat foot gangrene caused by diabetes mellitus is valuable,reliable and effective.
出处 《中国中西医结合外科杂志》 CAS 2004年第3期140-142,共3页 Chinese Journal of Surgery of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
关键词 糖尿病 足坏疽 中西医结合 diabetic mellitus,foot gangrene,integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine
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