
白天谷地逆温层生消过程的数值模拟 被引量:3

Numerical Simulation of Formation and Dissipation of Daytime Elevated Inversion over a Valley
摘要 本文用二维数值模式模拟了谷地白天边界层的发展过程.通过求解大气动力.热力学方程组.模拟出了谷地上空的温度场、流场以及在两种不同层结条件下的湍流动能q^2的分布特征.从而对白天谷地上稳定层结(或逆温层)的生消机制进行了初步探讨.模拟出的温度分布廓线等与有关实测资料基本一致. In the present paper, a two-dimensional numerical simulation is carried out to study the evolution of the elevated inversion over a narrow valley. In the simulation the spatial distribution and temporal variation of the flow , temperature and the turbulent energy fields over the valley are obtained numerically. The mechanism of the formation and dissipation of an elevated stable layer (or inversion layer ) is also discussed. The main characteritics of temperature structure simulated are in agreement with the observations.
出处 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 1993年第2期227-238,共12页 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
关键词 谷地 逆温层 数值模拟 温度 Valley Inversion Numerical simulation.
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  • 1桑建国,气象学报,1985年,34卷,4期,456页
  • 2顾庭敏,山地气候文集,1984年
  • 3团体著者,大气湍流扩散及污染气象论文集,1982年
  • 4团体著者,山区空气污染与气象,1978年



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