目的 研究He-Ne激光辐射充氧液疗(简称LQL),能有效地改善实验性局灶性兔脑梗死的病理损害。方法 用光化学诱导建立局灶兔梗死模型60只,分为生理盐水(NS)和5%葡萄糖液(5%GS)两大治疗组。其中每一大组又分为LOL研究组、单纯充氧对照组和输液对照组。每组10只兔,观察和分析末次治疗后的兔脑梗死的面积(mm2)和损害程度。结果 无论NS或5%GS的LQL研究组治疗后均能有效地缩小脑梗死的面积和减轻损害程度。与对照组比较,经单元方差分析有显著差异(P<0.01)。结论 LQL与紫外线辐射充氧血液疗法治疗缺血性脑梗死有相似效果,He-Ne激光辐射是治疗的决定性因素,这还有助于LQL进一步应用于缺氧缺血性脑病。
Objective To study the HE- Ne laser irradiated and oxygened fluids (LQL) probably effected to improve the pathologic damages of experimented located cerebral infarction of rabbits. Methods Sixty big ear rabbits were made a experimental located cerebral infarctinon by the laser photochemistry. Those rabbits were divided into normal saline (NS) and 5% glucose (GS) two groups. Each group was continue divided into three subgroups (every group had 10 rabbits respectively): LQL study group; simple oxygened control group and simple infusion control group. The pathologic damages area (mm2) and severty degree were observed and analyzed after all treated by liquids. Results The average damages area of cerebral infaction and it's severity degree were more reduced after treated by LQL, whether the NS or 5% GS groups than other control groups compared by one - way ANOVA test was more significantly difference ( P < 0.05) . Conclusion The efficiency of LQL remarkably equaled the ultraviolet blood irradiation and oxygenation to treat cerebral infarction. It would be advanced to use for help treaded the hypooxia and ischemia en-cephalopathy. HE - NE laser irradiation was important factor.
Henan Journal of Practical Nervous Diseases
HE-NE laser irradiation
Oxygened fluid therapy
Pathologic damage
Experimental local cerebral infarction