An 8-wavelength sun-photometer has been operated at Hefei (31.31°N, 117.17°E) to monitor optical properties of atmospheric aerosols. Altogether 133 solar spectral extinction data were ob- tained on clear days during the period from September 1993 through September 1994, In this pa- per, the feature of the sun-photometer is briefly described. A relative aureole method is intro- duced. which can be used to monitor temporal evolution of aerosol loading during the sun-pho- tometer calibration period. Temporal variabilities of spectral aerosol optical depths and Angstrom turbidity parameters are presented. Relation of these variabilities with synoptic and local meteoro- logical conditions are analyzed and discussed, From measured spectral aerosol optical depths under some representative atmospheric conditions, columnar aerosol size distributions have been retrieved by a linearly constrained inversion method. These typical columnar aerosol size distributions are al- so presented and discussed.
An 8-wavelength sun-photometer has been operated at Hefei (31.31°N, 117.17°E) to monitor optical properties of atmospheric aerosols. Altogether 133 solar spectral extinction data were ob- tained on clear days during the period from September 1993 through September 1994, In this pa- per, the feature of the sun-photometer is briefly described. A relative aureole method is intro- duced. which can be used to monitor temporal evolution of aerosol loading during the sun-pho- tometer calibration period. Temporal variabilities of spectral aerosol optical depths and Angstrom turbidity parameters are presented. Relation of these variabilities with synoptic and local meteoro- logical conditions are analyzed and discussed, From measured spectral aerosol optical depths under some representative atmospheric conditions, columnar aerosol size distributions have been retrieved by a linearly constrained inversion method. These typical columnar aerosol size distributions are al- so presented and discussed.