Biostratigraphical data indicate that in the neritic facies areas of South China, the Devonian -Carboniferous boundary (DCB), matching the boundary between conodont Siphonodella praesulcata zone and S. sulcata zone, should be drawn between rugose coral Cystophrentis zone and Pseudouralina zone, i.e. the Cystophrentis\ Pseudouralina inter val-zone. The top of the sea level fall event bed near the DCB is lower than the boundary between S. praesulcata and S. sulcata zones, but higher than the top of the Cysto phrentis zone. Sequence stratigraphical study shows that the sea level fall event bed near the DCB constitutes the shelf margin system tract (SMST) of a depositional sequence (SQ1) in both neritic and pelagic facies areas. The top surfaces of SMST of SQ1 is slightly lower than the base of S. sulcata zone in the pelagic facies areas. In neritic facies areas of South China, therefore, the Devonian - Carboniferous boundary is marked by the most distinct transgressive surface within the Cystophrentis\ Pseudouralina interval-zone, i.e. the base of the TST of SQ1. This boundary coincides with the top surface of the event bed resulted from the eustatic fall, and approximately corresponds to the base of Pseudouralina assemblage zone.
Biostratigraphical data indicate that in the neritic facies areas of South China, the Devonian -Carboniferous boundary (DCB), matching the boundary between conodont Siphonodella praesulcata zone and S. sulcata zone, should be drawn between rugose coral Cystophrentis zone and Pseudouralina zone, i.e. the Cystophrentis\ Pseudouralina inter val-zone. The top of the sea level fall event bed near the DCB is lower than the boundary between S. praesulcata and S. sulcata zones, but higher than the top of the Cysto phrentis zone. Sequence stratigraphical study shows that the sea level fall event bed near the DCB constitutes the shelf margin system tract (SMST) of a depositional sequence (SQ1) in both neritic and pelagic facies areas. The top surfaces of SMST of SQ1 is slightly lower than the base of S. sulcata zone in the pelagic facies areas. In neritic facies areas of South China, therefore, the Devonian - Carboniferous boundary is marked by the most distinct transgressive surface within the Cystophrentis\ Pseudouralina interval-zone, i.e. the base of the TST of SQ1. This boundary coincides with the top surface of the event bed resulted from the eustatic fall, and approximately corresponds to the base of Pseudouralina assemblage zone.
The research is sponsored by the "SSLC", a state key project supported by the State Science and Technology Committee of China and the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources