1.开发水资源遇到的挑战 1.1 前言在过去25~30年里,世界许多发达国家与发展中国家都在空前地开发水资源。为了向社会提供用水,世界各地都建设了不同规模的水利工程项目,以满足发展经济的需要。例如,在1951~1985年间,全球水库容量增加了1亿(米)~3以上。最著名的大型水利工程项目是阿斯旺水坝,它完全改变了尼罗河下游的水文状况;在赞比西河上游也建设了巨大的卡里巴水库与卡布拉巴水库;在巴赫拉的水坝高达200米以上,
Unprecedented water resources development has been made in many countries of the developed and developing world to meet their needs of development and economic growth. Although the water reserve has increased, there have been many adverse environmental effects. To this end, the report 'Sustainable Water Development and Management—A Synthesis' has been written by some well—known experts under the auspices of UNEP. This report is concerned with the fundamental issue of how to accommodate water resources development and management within the context of environmental preservation and improvement. Chapter Ⅰ of this report presents the basic concepts and challenges of water resources development which underlie the notion of environmentally sound and sustainable water resources development. Chapter Ⅱ focuses on approaches that can be used to identify environmentally sound development and development strategies. Chapter Ⅲ discusses problems which limit the application of environmentally sound development strategies. Chapter Ⅳ provides an appraisal of the future directions of applying operationally the concept of sustainable water development and management.
World Environment