鼻咽癌是华南地区最常见的恶性肿瘤,广东省年发病率为5.37/10万。1964~1982年本院门诊诊治159 396例恶性肿瘤中,鼻咽癌51 102例占32.06%,居第一位。 广州鼻咽癌的放射治疗始于1948年,放疗后的五年生存率在1959年报告仅为19%,1964年为34%,这是因为<sup>60</sup>Co远距离照射代替了常规X线治疗机。然而70~80年代以来,五年生存率仍徘徊在35~50%,虽然在我院进行了以下的各种临床研究: 一、增加剂量未能提高五年生存率:附表中列出了我国几所医院和本院两组材料,
The results of clinical research on NPC treated from 1964-1989 are presented.1. There is absence of significant difference if the dose is increased or the mode of fractionation is changed (split-course, accelerated hyperfractiona-tion) as compared with the conventional fractionation.2. The concomitant use of radio-sensitizers; hydroxyurea and the Chinese medicinal herb, Tian Qi, did not improve the survival rate. Tian Qi and Radix Ilicis Pubesceatis are capable of facilitating the microcirculation and eliminating the toxic substances.3. There is no difference in the 10-year survival rates of radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy alone.The author suggests that the staging system of NPC be modified, radiotherapy design be improved and better chemotherapeutic agents be sought for the purpose of better treatment results.
Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology