
GH4700镍基高温合金TiN析出行为研究 被引量:4

Precipitation Behavior of TiN in the GH4700 Nickel-Base Superalloy
摘要 运用金相、扫描、热力学与动力学计算的方法,对真空感应冶炼GH4700镍基高温合金中TiN的析出行为进行研究,结果表明:Ti和N的偏析因子对冷却速度不敏感;在本实验条件下,计算结果表明,TiN只能在固相分数大于95%的两相区开始生成,凝固冷却速率越大,TiN尺寸越小,均匀形核TiN尺寸约为4.5~5μm,与实际观察的尺寸基本吻合。 The precipitation behavior of TiN inclusion in the GH4700 nickel-base superalloy was researched by optical microscope,scanning electron microscopy and thermodynamic and kinetic calculation.The results show that the segregation factor of Ti and N is not sensitive to the cooling rate.In this experimental condition,the calculation results show that,TiN is generated in the two phase region in the condition of solid fraction more than 95%.The greater the solidification cooling rate,the smaller the size of TiN be obtained.The homogeneous nucleation size of TiN is about 4.5~5 μm,which is in agreement with the measured results in the experiment.
出处 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S2期344-348,共5页 Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
基金 国家"973"计划(2012CB723905)
关键词 高温合金 TIN 热力学 动力学 superalloy TiN thermodynamics kinetics
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