
华南地区主要瓜类作物遗传进化的SRAP分子标记分析及表型性状相关性研究 被引量:2

The Main Gourd Germplasm in South China Based on Morphological Charaters and SRAP Markers
摘要 利用9个表型性状和20对SRAP标记分析了13份华南地区主要瓜类作物的遗传进化关系,9个表型性状差异显著,20对SRAP分子标记分析供试的13份材料,共产生328条差异谱带,仅有2条共同带,多态性比率为99%,遗传相似系数为0.140~0.993。进一步分析了表型性状与SRAP分子标记的相关性,P=0.05时,相关系数为0.576;说明表型性状和分子标记结果存在一定的显著相关,通过分子标记研究和表型性状的相关性分析,确定华南地区主要葫芦科植物的遗传关系,可为今后在分子水平进行葫芦科瓜类种质资源的育种及亲缘关系分析等研究提供科学依据。 The genetic diversity of 13 main gourd vegetable in South China were analyzed using 9 morphological characters and SRAP markers with 20 pairs of primers. The results showed that there were the significantly different in 9 morphological characters. A total of 328 polymorphism fragments and 2 common fragments of 13 main gourd vegetables were generated from 20 pairs of SRAP primers. The polymorphism rate reached 99%,the genetic similarity values were between 0. 1400. 993. The correlation coefficient was 0. 576( P = 0. 05,this study reveals) of the phenotypic traits and SRAP markers,the result revealed that there were the significantly relation between the phenotypic traits and SRAP markers. The correlation analysis could help our clarify the genetic relation of main gourd vegetable in South China,and provide the scientic basis for the study of genetic relation and breeding of gourd vegetable in the Cucurbitacea.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S1期7-11,共5页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 2013年度广州市科信局珠江科技新星项目 2012年广东省科技攻关项目 广州市农业科学研究院立项目
关键词 华南地区 瓜类蔬菜 SRAP 遗传相关性 South China Gourd vegetable SRAP Genetic relation
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