BIM(Building Information Modeling)信息集成应用链中针对结构模型的力学计算和分析一直是孤立的环节。通过研究BIM模型数据定义层次,对结构BIM模型的组成和特征进行分析,比较采用结构BIM模型在结构分析和施工图设计阶段所带来的优势,并对IFC(Industry Foundation Classes)最新版本IFC4所定义的结构分析模型包含信息进行剖析。从结构分析模型的数据转换角度对转换方法进行研究,提出一种BIM和各类结构分析软件之间模型数据转换的间接方法,并开发了相应的数据转换接口。通过4个工程实例,对BIM与4种常用的结构分析软件之间的模型数据转换进行应用。结果表明,所开发的数据转换接口能对不同的结构类型进行数据转换,具有较好的转换效果,可以为研究BIM在结构分析阶段数据信息的集成和共享提供技术参考。
The mechanical analysis of the structural model is still an isolated part in the information integration chain of BIM ( Building Information Modeling) technology.The composition and characteristic of the structural BIM model was analyzed through studying the data definition layers of BIM.The advantages were compared when the structural BIM model was adopted in the structural analysis and construction drawing design stage, and the included data information of the structural analysis model in the IFC4 version was discussed.An indirect method for the data conversion was proposed between BIM model and structural analysis model based on the methodology research, and a data conversion interface was developed.Four project cases were adopted to test the interface for data conversion between BIM model and structural analysis models, which created by four common finite element softwares.The results show that the data conversion interface has a good effect on different structural types, and can provide technical reference for data integration and sharing in the structural analysis phase by using BIM technology.
Industrial Construction