为了明确辽宁省不同地区葡萄白腐病菌遗传分化情况,对采自辽宁省沈阳、朝阳、锦州、营口、大连、辽阳等主要葡萄产区的病样进行分离鉴定,对病原菌形态学进行观察及r DNA-ITS序列分析,测得的序列与GenBank中已知序列进行比对,并利用MEGA5.05进行聚类分析。结果表明:分离得到的42株白腐病菌菌落形态基本一致,菌丝平伏,有隔膜,分生孢子器呈球形或扁球形,暗褐色,球内含有大量分生孢子,有孔口;分生孢子单孢,卵圆形,最初无色,后变为暗褐色。病菌rDNA-ITS序列与已知序列的相似度达99%以上,42个菌株的ITS序列同源性极高,不同地区葡萄白腐病菌区域性特征不明显。
In order to learn the genetic differentiation of Coniella diplodiella, 42 strains collected from Shenyang, Chaoyang,Jinzhou, Yingkou, Dalian and Liaoyang in Liaoning province were studied by morphology observation and r DNA-ITS sequence analysis. The sequences were compared with the known sequences of Coniella diplodiella from Genbank and the clustering analysis was carried out by MEGA 5.05 software. The result showed that the bacteria colony morphologies of the 42 strains were basically identical. The hyphae are flat and have diaphragm. Pycnidia are globose and black brown. A large number of conidia are found in the pycnidia and have ostioles. Conidia are single cells, ovoid and with colorless initially and black brown at later stage. All strains of ITS sequences had a similarity of 99% to Coniella diplodiella from Genbank database. The homologies of the 42 strains are very approximate. To the strains of Coniella diplodiella, there is no significant relationship between genetic difference and regions.
Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University