The rise of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is one of the main developing trends in geography science. For facilitating the development of the technology, it is very important and necessary to deal with the basic theories of GIS and its relation with geographical science. |
Many terms are used as synonyms for GIS. This paper reviwes the terms and concepts used in the literiture of geography- It views that GIS is not a simple information system, but a complex information technology. The significant feature of this technology is focused on the geographic (spatial refernced) data handling. The GIS components are user interface, database management, detabase creation, spatial data manipulation, analysis and display and product generation GIS provides a strong tool for management and planning of resources and environment so it is of an organizational function.
GIS technology is often related with many other sciences that are concerned with spatial data. Specially, GIS has a very strong relation with geography, which can be seen as the 'father' science to GIS. Geography offers spatial analysis and operational models to GIS. and GIS provides a revolutionary tool to gegoraphical research. It is concluded that GIS belongs to the domain of scientific geography and represents one of the two developing trends in geographical science. At present, the lack of mutual awareness between spatial analysis arid GIS is a major impediment to the dissemination and adoption of this technology, which makes a major task for geographer-
Acta Geographica Sinica
Geographic information Systems
Technical Ceography
Spatial Analysis