The study carries out a numerical simulation of land evaporation in arsuo region. Because the region is extremely dry with limited rainfall, the paper introduces in detail the computationmethod for evaporation under the condition of shortage of water. Because of artificid irrigation by Xujiang Geographical Institute, the underground water level is raised to 1. 5-2. 0m. In order to study the evaporation in wheat fields, we do not adopt completely computational formulae of evaporation under the condition of drought. Because climate changes are very abnormal, the author adopts aerodynamics method with the resistances in turbulent ABL to carry out numerical simulation. The vegetation in the model is wheat, and the soil is sandy loam. The date is 15 - 23, June, 1992. The soil suface is covered with wheat completely, therefore the model do not consider the condition of bared soils. The author gives the hourly change trend of the field evapo-transpiration by the comparison with measured data.
The author studies the heat transport of the soil, emphasizes particularly on the temperature change between soil and the vegetation layer, and deals with the radiation balance.
The paper structures the equation for temperature changes as:
where Tc, Tgb, Tge, T are temperatures of vegetation layer, bared soil surface, soil surface under the vegetation and soils at 60cm deep layer respectively.
This paper studies mainly the evapotranspiration intensity and the law of moisture changes of the field. Because of the close interrelation between evapotranspiration intensity and moisture change, the root with unsaturated moisture movement is divided into two layers (d1 thickness and d2 thickness), and the moisture movement processes in the two layers of soils are discussed in detail. The moisture change equations in the two layers of soils are:
By coupling of the equations (4-1) and (4-2) , the whole water-heat change process can be simulated. This paper carries out the numerical simulation for the water-heat change processes in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system of the Akesu region in the Tarim basin.
The first section of the paper introduces in detail probable evaporation, the second section deals with evapotranspiration when short of moisture, and the third section gives the numerical simulation for actual evapotranspiration in the field. Finally, The numerical results are compared with the measured data. The numerical results are found to be essentially consistent with measured data.
Acta Geographica Sinica
Land evaporation, Aerodynamics, Stratification model, Numerical Simulation.