SARS病魔的侵袭 ,加剧了我们对农村医疗改革的紧迫感。多视角分析我国目前农村医疗现状是 :政府公共卫生投入严重不足 ;医疗设施简陋、高水平医务人员奇缺 ;农民医疗保障制度不健全 ;农民收入低且不平衡等。在此基础上提出了相应解决对策为 :加大对公共卫生的投入 ;加强对地方医疗人员的培养 ;建立新型多层次农村医疗保障制度 ;大力发展农村经济 ,提高抗病能力等。
The attack of SARS has affected our rural medical reform very much.This article has analyzed our rural medical conditions from the following:the scarcity of public health expense,simplicity and crudity of medical appliance ,lack of high level doctors and nurses, not much improvement in medical secure system, low and unfair income of peasants. According to these conditions, the following measures must be taken,such as increasing money to public health,educating more and more doctors and nurses for rural areas,forming new and multi-level rural medical security system, and increasing rural income, so that the peasants can deal with illness.