The background values and chemical speciation of copper,lead,zine and cadmium in glacier, river, and lake water in Urumqi area were studied with a view to develop water resources in Xinjiang area as well as evaluating of water quality. The ice and water samples collected from the upper, middle and low reaches of Urumqi River and lakes were filtrated through 0.45μm membrance and determined by means of ASV technique The main results obtained are as follows.1. The total content levels of heavy mstals in some snow ice waters were in the order of old ice from No.1 glacier>fresh ice from the same glacier >snow ice water from this glacier> fresh ice from ths Bogeda mountain peak.2. The contents(Mt and Ms)of Cd, Zn, Pb and Cu in the Urumqi Ri ver from Wangfeng to Wulopo Reservoir were all within the range of the background values of these elements in the world fresh water.3. Due to the dry and cold natural environments, the Cd, Zn, Pb and Cu in the above water of the Urumqi River mainly existed as dissolved forms, and most dissolved Cd, Zn and Pb were present as ASV labile, only most dissolved Cu was ia the bound forms.4. With the thick anions complsxing, the significant fractions of total heavy metals in Chaiwobao Lake and Salt Lake water were in dissolved forms, except that significant percentage of Cu in Salt Lake water was in suspended forms, while for the four dissolved elements, their bound forms concentrations were all higner than corresponding labile.
Geographical Research
glacier, river and lake water,heavy metal element form