“特罗理论”以一个国家或地区高等教育毛入学率是否达到 15 %来衡量其是否进入了高等教育大众化阶段 ,针对其可能带来的“理论误导” ,根据“实质高等教育大众化”和“形式高等教育大众化”两个概念和目标模式 ,对我国高等教育大众化目标模式选择研究提出一个分析的框架。
In ‘Trow Theory',the standard of measuring whether higher education of a country or area has been in massification stage or not,is that its higher education gross enrollment ratio is equal or above 15%,which is maybe misleading. This thesis puts forward two new concepts and objective modes: ‘Essential Higher Education Massification' and ‘Formal Higher Education Massification',and an analyzing outline on choosing objective mode of Chinese higher education massification.
Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University