
全球电子信息产业价值链及对我国的启示 被引量:109

The Development of Global Electronic and Information Industrial Value-Chain and Its Revelation
摘要 电子信息产业是全球化程度最高的产业之一,其价值活动各环节遍及全球,并在一些特定区域高度集聚。本文一方面全面整理了产业价值链的概念和特征,另一方面,分析探讨了全球电子信息产业价值链的现状,揭示了包括电子信息产业价值链的全球化和区域化,制造与服务环节融合发展,市场驱动,组织模式扁平化,企业呈现专业化与综合化发展并存,软件、集成电路、新型元器件正成为电子信息产业价值链上的核心竞争领域等六大趋势。进而提出了我国电子信息产业发展要营造良好的产业发展环境,重视市场作用,强化合作,在产业发展上实施梯次战略以及将软件、集成电路和新型元器件放在重要的战略位置等政策主张。 Electronic and Information Industry is one of the most globalized industries, the value-added activities of which locate through the world, and agglomerate in some specific areas obviously. This paper summarizes the concept and characteristics of Industrial Value-Chain, discusses the present situation of the global electronic and information industrial value-chain, reveals six main developing tendencies including the globalization and regionalization of the electronic and information industrial value-chain, the integration of manufacture and service activities, market-driving, the compressed organization mode, the specialized and integrative development of enterprises, and software, IC, new electronic component and device becoming the core competitive fields. In the end, this paper poses some policy suggestions about the development of the electronic and information industry in China, such as, creating the favorable industrial developing environment, paying great attention to the function of the market, strengthening cooperation, and carrying out echeloned developing strategies, etc.
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期63-69,共7页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 北京市科委软科学重点项目(H013510060112)。
关键词 产业价值链 价值链 产业链 电子信息产业 Electronic and Information Industry Value-Chain
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