随着人们对中国哲学常规性叙事不满足感的增强 ,要求改写中国哲学的愿望也变得更加强烈 ,并开始尝试超越之道。文章从不同的角度和侧面 ,反思和检讨了中国哲学常规性叙事存在的问题 ,提出了走向中国哲学“原创性叙事”的途径和方式 ,认为建立多元的哲学观和哲学史观、通过历史时空的移动及广泛的对话参与寻求中国哲学的普遍性和差异性、在视域和范式的引导下获得观察中国哲学的深度视点、在领悟整体意义与深化部分研究之间形成中国哲学的良性诠释循环、追求对中国哲学的充分描述、复杂关联的说明及意义关怀等 ,对于造就中国哲学的原创性叙事来说 ,都是非常基本的。
There is a growing call for the transformation of Chinese philosophy, moving bey ond the situation we now have in which the narratives of this philosophy now ar e generally felt to be unsatisfactory. Reflecting on the problems of c urr ent narratives of Chinese philosophy, we propose a “creative narrative” approa ch . Philosophy and history should be diversified to identify the universality and uniqueness of Chinese philosophy, both diachronically and dialogically. Essentia l for creative narrative in this field are perspectives and paradigms suited to an in-depth understanding of Chinese philosophy, a virtuous cycle of interpreta t ions between studies of general significance and specific studies, and adequate description and an explanation of complicated relations and issues concerning th e meaning of Chinese philosophy.
Social Sciences in China