According to the record in Shanghai Chronicle of Social Sciences, A Theoretical History of Surplus Value published in Shanghai in 1949 was written by Kautsky, and was the fourth volume of Das Kapital. I maintain that is wrong. The fact is, the said work, edited by Kautsky, is a posthumous manuscript by Marx, not as the fourth volume of Das Kapital, but as an independent work. The author of that article might have mixed it with later Soviet Union edition of A Theoretical History of Surplus Value, i. e. , the fourth volume of Das Kapital. It was because Soviet Union believes the Kautsky edition had shortcomings, so there was a Soviet Union edition. It is an independent work to compare excellent or inferior points of these two editions, which is not intentionally involved in this article. This article points out that there is 'a brief account' in Soviet Union edition, covering the whole book, while there is not one in Kautsky edition. The titles of chapters and sections in Soviet Union edition is preferring, and some of them are incorrect, which would lead to a wrong way, while those in Kautsky edition are neutral. The Kautsky edition was no longer in print after the Soviet Union edition was published in China. These two editions, in fact, should be published together, so that it is beneficial for comparative studies by scholars.
Academic Monthly