目的 探讨经口给予黄曲霉毒素G1(AFG1)对NIH小鼠的致癌作用。方法 将NIH小鼠随机分为 3组 :AFG13μg/kg组 ;AFG130 μg/kg组和对照组 ,实验组分别灌喂不同剂量的AFG1,对照组灌喂同等容量的生理盐水 ,3次 /周 ,共 2 4周。实验期间严密观察动物变化。实验第 5 8和 74周处死实验动物 ,观察各器官组织病变。结果 对照组动物各器官组织均未见明显病理改变。AFG1各处理组均有部分动物发生支气管上皮增生、肺泡上皮增生和肺腺癌。AFG13μg/kg组和AFG130 μg/kg组支气管上皮增生、肺泡上皮增生、肺腺癌率分别为 6 0 0 %、10 0 %、30 0 %和 2 8 6 %、35 7%、4 2 9%。
Objective Aflatoxin G 1 (AFG 1) is a member of the carcinogenic aflatoxin family produced by aspergillus flavus. It is a major contaminating mycotoxin in food in areas of China with high cancer incidence. The purpose of this study is to explore the carcinogenic effects of AFG 1 in NIH mice. Methods NIH mice were randomly divided into three groups. Two experimental groups were treated intragastrically by gavage with AFG 1 3 μg/kg and AFG 1 30 μg/kg respectively, 3 times a week for 24 weeks. The control group was treated with normal saline. All mice were fed with food that was free of AFGs as confirmed by HPLC analysis. The mice were weighed every week throughout the entire experiment, and then sacrificed and examined pathologically at the 58th and 74th weeks respectively. Results Compared with control mice receiving no AFG 1, bronchial epithelial hyperplasia, alveolar hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma of lung were observed in mice receiving AFG 1 treatment. The incidences of bronchial epithelial hyperplasia, alveolar hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma of lung were 60.0%, 10.0% and 30.0% for mice receiving 3 μg/kg AFG 1 and 28.6%,35.7%,42.9% for mice receiving 30 μg/kg of the toxin, respectively. Conclusion Oral administration of AFG 1 can induce hyperplastic lesions and adenocarcinoma of lung in NIH mice.
Chinese Journal of Pathology
国家科技部 2 0 0 1年度基础研究快速反应支持项目( 2 0 0 15 84)
河北省自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3 0 0 3 42 )
教育部高校骨干教师资助项目 (HB 16)