生态系统服务功能的内涵 ,是指生态系统过程所形成与维持的人类赖以生存的自然环境条件与效用。而目前研究最多的是陆地生态系统中面积最大最重要的森林生态系统。文中回顾和介绍了当前森林生态系统服务功能的概念、内涵和评价指标 ,以及国内外研究进展情况 ,并着重对其指标评价的理论和经济价值评估方法进行了总结 ,同时提出了自己的见解和看法。
The intension of ecosystem services is the effectiveness and the natural ambient conditions of human survivable necessary formed and maintained during the course of the development of ecosystem. While at present, the forest ecosystem, which is the biggest and the most important ecosystem in the land ecosystem, is being studied mostly. This paper reviews and introduces the concept, the intension and the appraising index of forest ecosystem services, as well as the appraising indexes and the method of economic value assessment. At the same time, the author also put forward the opinion on these. The value of fully recognizing forest ecosystem services has significant theoretical and realistic significance.
World Forestry Research