中国有着丰富的野生花卉资源 ,文中综述了各省及各生态分类区域野生花卉的资源现状、保护和利用情况 ,阐述了花卉种质资源研究的新技术和新方法 ,并就中国野生花卉资源研究存在的问题和发展前景提出了建议。
Wild flowers are not only the important constitutes of diversified ecosystem and the environment and natural vegetation, but also the superiority materials of incubating new species and landscaping architecture. China is abundant in wild flower resources. On the basis of 30 years' investigations, actualities of wild flowers in each province and the most ecosystem districts have been well known.New techniques and new methods have been taken in use to study germplasms resources of wild flowers in China. Following sufficient protections, some exploiture measures have been carried out such as introduce, domesticate and utilization. On the other hand, existing problems are still serious and should be solved constantly. Resolvents in days to come are proposed on father resources investigations, protections and reasonable utilizations.
World Forestry Research