
论市场进入程度 被引量:2

On the Market Entry Degree
摘要 本文的分析表明 :当市场进入的沉淀成本、需求状况、产品差异化以及企业家能力等这些影响市场进入程度的因素由外生变量变为内生变量时 ,市场进入程度也随之发生改变。基于促进市场形成有效竞争为出发点 ,从产业组织政策和企业竞争战略两个角度 ,本文提出了我国避免过度竞争和过度垄断的对策选择。 When the influence factors of market entry,that is, the sunk cost of entry,demand condition,product difference and entrepreneurship,change from exogenous variables into endogenous variables in the model,the degree of market entry will change accordingly. And based on the object of promoting the realization of sufficient and efficient competition,from the aspects of industrial organization policy and enterprise competition strategy,this article points out the suggestions and choices in preventing excess competition and excess monopoly in China.
作者 赵鲁光
出处 《财经科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期52-56,共5页 Finance & Economics
关键词 市场进入 福利损失 竞争战略 Market entry Welfare losing Competition strategy
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