目的 研究竹叶抗氧化物对大鼠生育繁殖机能有无损害作用 ,为其应用提供安全性毒理学评价依据。方法 设 1 43、 4 3 0g/kg体重二个剂量组和一个对照组 ,进行一代生殖毒性研究。结果 母体效应提示竹叶抗氧化物对亲代大鼠体重、增重、进食量和食物利用率 ,孕鼠体重及受孕率、妊娠率与对照组均无显著性差异。胎仔效应提示对大鼠胎鼠、骨骼发育及内脏、对大鼠胎鼠出生存活率、哺乳存活率 ( 4天和 2 1天存活 )、产仔总数及平均仔重、仔鼠生长发育、主要脏器体重比与对照组均无显著性差异。结论 在本研究条件下 ,表明竹叶抗氧化物未见明显生殖毒性。
Objective To identify whether the antioxidant extract from bamboo leaf have reproductive toxicity in rats. Method The reproductive toxicity trial in rats was conducted with three groups received different dose of bamboo leaf antioxidant extract, 0.00, 1.43, 4.30g/kg body weight respectively. Result There were no significant differences in weight, weight increase, food-intake, food availability, conception rate and pregnancy rate in parental generation, skeleton and internal organs growth, survival rate of birth and lactation and the ratio of organ-body weight in offspring generation between the experimental groups and the control group (P>0.05). Conclusion The antioxidant extract from bamboo leaf may have no reproductive toxicity in rats.
Zhejiang Journal of Preventive Medicine