
知识型员工满意度研究 被引量:36

Research on the Satisfaction of Knowledge-model Employee
摘要 通过对知识型员工满意度的理论评述和对知识型员工的心理和行为特点的阐述 ,本文分析了知识型员工满意度的影响因素 ,认为影响知识型员工满意度的主要因素根据重要性顺序可以分为 :( 1)环境、制度和管理以及与之相适应的企业文化 ;( 2 )个体成长 ;( 3 )工作自主 ;( 4 )工作成就 ;( 5 )公平性 ;( 6)薪酬体系。最后 。 Based on the theory of knowledge-model employee's satisfaction and study on the characteristics of employee's psychology and behavior, the paper analyzes the factors influencing knowledge-model employee's satisfaction and classifies them into several kinds according to their importance, including enterprise's culture, individual development, work achievement, fairness, payment system and so on. In the paper, human resource management model is presented in order to improve knowledge-model employee's satisfaction.
作者 赵伟军
机构地区 株洲工学院
出处 《生产力研究》 CSSCI 2004年第7期140-142,共3页 Productivity Research
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