
水网平原地区土地农业环境质量评价指标体系及其可行性研究 被引量:6

An Index System for Evaluation of Land Quality and Its Feasibility for Agri-E nvironment in Water Net Plain Area
摘要 采用典型样区法、GIS技术、专家层次分析法及加权指数和法,在分析国内外土地评价的基础上,研究并提出了水网平原地区土地农业环境质量评价指标体系。经对比试验,该指标体系表现出较好的科学性和正确性;同时,评价因子侧重于相对稳定的地学、物理学属性,故具有可取、可测和可比的可操作性。 The study on land resources in China and abroad since the 1970s ha s evolved into an important and comprehensive field of applied research in earth s ciences. This field encompasses the study of land quality evaluation, land types , land assessment, land productivity potential, land capacity to carry populatio n, land use and land cover, land planning, and land information system, etc. Dur ing the 1990s, a key focus of study has been the changes in land cover. More rec ently, in an attempt to better understand the changes in land quality, an intern ational collaborative project has been initiated to develop land quality index s ystems. Participating agencies include the World Bank, United Nations Food and A griculture Organization, United Nations Environment Program, United Nations Deve lopment Program, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Agri-Food of Canada. China has large population and relatively limited land, especially cultivated land. H owever, with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the sc arcity of land resources and eco-environmental degradation resulted from unreas onable use of land have become more and more obvious in recent years. As a devel oping country, it's important to realize industrialization, urbanization and mod ernization in order to promote economic construction, improve people's living co nditions and keep the steps of developed countries. On other hand, for the susta inable development of economy and society, we should pay attention to the benefi ts of economy and environment nowadays, and deal well with the relations between the present and the future. Therefore, study on land quality evaluation in orde r to protect high quality cultivated land resources and allocate land resources optimally is significant both theoretically and practically. Under analysis of l and evaluation literatures home and abroad, and with an eye to features of the w ater net plain area, a new scientific kind of land quality evaluation index syst em for agricultural environment was built in this paper. 17 indexes including wa ter table height, Huanghai altitude and water net density and their formula were brought forward and established by balancing the weight of each index with an a id of the Expert-Analytical Hiberarchy Process. With support of the GIS technol ogy, evaluation units were decided by land resource types, and the classic evalu ation model named 'exponential sum' was also adopted. The method was applied on Danghu Town of Pinghu City of Zhejiang Province of China and showed that is scie ntific, accurate and simple to operate. In addition, indexes of the index system , which are easy to gain, measure and compare, emphasize particularly on steady characteristic of geography and agrology correspondingly. So that it should be p opularized and utilized expediently and can provide scientific support for optim al allocation and rational utilization of land resources.
出处 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期657-663,共7页 Journal of Agro-Environment Science
基金 浙江省科技厅重点科研项目"城市化中人居环境与土地资源配置优化模式研究"内容之一(021103110)
关键词 水网平原区 农业环境 土地评价 指标体系 water net plain agricultural environment land evaluation index sy stem
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