
东海赤潮高发区营养盐时空分布特征及其控制要素 被引量:33

Spatial and temporal distribution of the nutrients and its controlling factors in the high-frequency HAB occurrence area in the East China Sea
摘要 东海长江口、舟山渔场附近海域是我国近海赤潮爆发严重的区域之一。在影响该海域营养盐分布的水团中 ,长江冲淡水向表层输入了大量的氮、磷、硅营养盐 ,台湾暖流主要对底层和长江口外上升流区有贡献 ,苏北沿岸水、闽浙沿岸水主要影响近岸区域。同时 ,营养盐在海水 -沉积物界面的交换作用 ,大气湿沉降作用等也影响着该海域营养盐的时空分布。结合2002年4月~2003年3月对29°00′~32°00′N、122°00′~124°00′E海域四季航次调查的营养盐分布规律 ,该海域可分为三片区域 ,由岸边向外海分别为高营养盐、低浮游植物区 ,较高营养盐、高浮游植物区和较低营养盐、低浮游植物区。随着近年来营养盐输入通量的增加 ,富营养化程度加大 ,受化学、物理、生物等因素综合作用 ,高浮游植物区赤潮爆发频率和规模逐年增加 。 Changjiang River Estuary and Zhoushan fishery area is one of the highest frequency HAB occurrence areas in China.The nutrient distributions of this area are influenced by many water masses.For example,Changjiang River Diluter Water carrys abundant N,P,Si nutrients to the surface layer,Taiwan Warm Current mostly affects the bottomlayer and in the upwelling area adjacent to the Changjiang River Estuary,and that Subei Coastal Water and Minzhe Coastal Water mainly influence the inshore area.On the other hand,the nutrients exchange between water-sediment interface and the atmospheric wet deposition also affect the distribution of the nutrients of this area.Combined with the investigated data collected from4cruises fromApril,2002to March,2003,the study area(29°00′~32°00′N,122°00′~124°00′E)can be divided into3parts from the west to the east,namely low-intensity phytoplankton area with highest nutrients concentraˉtion,high-intensity phytoplankton area with higher nutrients concentration and low-intensity phytoplankton area with lower nutrients concentration.With the increase of the nutrient inputs to the study area in recent years,eutrophication phenomenon has become much more serious;and as the results of co-effects from chemical,physical and biological facˉtors,the phytoplankton high-intensity area has shown a trend of high-frequency HAB occurrence on large scale,and has been regarded as a HAB heavily-stricken area in China.
出处 《海洋科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第8期28-32,共5页 Marine Sciences
基金 973国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(2001CB409703 2002CB714008) 国家自然科学基金(40136020 40376033) 教育部博士点基金 (20020423006) 教育部重点基金 (No.01110) 山东省基金 (L2000E01)
关键词 营养盐 赤潮 东海 长江口 Nutrient,HAB,the East China Sea,Changjiang River Estuary
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