Aeromonas hydrophila is a pathogen of fulminating infection occurred among freshwater fish in China since 1989. The bacterium can produce a toxin with MW 52. 5KD. This heat-labile protein possesses hemolytic activity、 enterotoxicity and cytotoxicity, and was proposed to name 'hec' toxin. The production of hec toxin is very closely related to its pathogenecity. We have developed a dot immunobinding assay (DIA) for Aeromonas hydrophila septicemia in fish. Assays were done on bacterial isolates and viscera samples from moribund carp and bream collected in Jiangsu province. The DIA was compared with hemolysis test (ML) which was commonly used to detect hec toxin. The agreement between the DIA and HL in the bacterial isolates(n = 72)and viscera samples(n=33)were 80 . 7% and 90. 9% respectively. The detectable level of hec toxin by DIA was 95ng/ml. It is concluded that the DIA may be useful for rapid and effective detection of hec toxin tan large samples.
dot immunobinding assay (DIA)Aeromonas hydrophila hec toxin