禁止权利滥用是在法权观念的变迁过程中 ,由观念发展到判例 ,再发展到成文法上的一项基本原则的 ;禁止权利滥用原则负载了“社会本位”权利观的价值 ,在民法上成为一般条款 ,是指导、评价民事主体正当行使权利、立法以及法律解释和补充的准则 ,也是赋予司法裁量权的依据。基于禁止权利滥用原则是权利社会性的要求 ,因此 ,权利滥用者对其行为应承担不利的法律后果。
Forbidding misuse of rights becomes a statutory principle after it develops from a conception to a precedent in the process of variance of the legal idea. It contains the value of 'social standard' as a general clause in civil law, and may be the rule of directing or estimating civil subjects in exercising rights properly, legislation and law interpretation and its supplement, and also may be the basis of discretion vested in judges. Basing on the fact that the demand of sociality of right needs the principle, those who abuse rights should be responsible for their deed.
Modern Law Science