本文采用空间格局分析方法,从烟草移栽到烟叶采收,对烟蚜Myzus persicae(Sulzer)在烟株和烟株上、中、下三个部位的聚集和扩散趋势,采用Mont Lloyd给出的方法,并结合Iwao的m-m回归分析法和m-m的改进模型进行判断分析。结果表明,六月下旬和七月中旬是烟蚜在烟株上的两个聚集高峰期。烟蚜在烟株不同部位的聚集和扩散趋势有所不同。整株烟株和上、中、下部烟蚜都呈聚集分布。分析结果对指导烟蚜防治有一定帮助。
The analysis method of spatial pattern was applied to study the aggregation and dispersion tendencies of green tobacco aphid [Myzus persicae (Sulzer)] among whole and vertical strata of tobacco plant. From transplanting to ripe, which are the periods of tobacco plant growth, the aggregation and dispersion tendencies of green tobacco aphid among upper, middle and lower leaves were trailed by using Mont Lloyd's method and combining the model of Iwao (m-m) and improved Iwao's model. The results show that green tobacco aphid has two aggregative peaks which are in the late June and mid-July, respectively. The aggregation and dispersion tendencies of green tobacco aphid are some different among different parts of tobacco plant, as the result of natural selection and adaptation. The green tobacco aphid appears aggregative pattern among whole tobacco plant and upper, middle and lower leaves. The analysis can help the rational control of green tobacco aphid.
Tobacco, Green tobacco aphid, Spatial pattern, Analyses of aggregation intensity