检测感染HBV的饮食服务人群的HBVDNA ,研究HBVDNA阳性者的家庭聚集性 ,探讨其传染性 ,为修订有关法规提供依据。用聚合酶联反应 -微孔杂交法和荧光定量PCR法检测HBVDNA ,对HBVDNA阳性者的家庭聚集性进行对照研究。在 2 85 16名饮食服务人员中检出HBsAg阳性 10 2 2人 ,阳性率 3 5 8%。其中被依法调离的HBV感染者 36 4人 ,占HBsAg阳性者的 35 6 2 %。在感染HBV且符合法律规定的 6 5 8名在岗饮食服务人员中检出HBVDNA阳性者 2 34人 ,阳性率35 5 6 %。HBVDNA阳性者的家庭聚集率为 86 4 9% ,家庭成员HBV感染率为 6 4 38% ,相对危险性6 5 8。HBVDNA阳性者的家庭成员HBV感染呈家庭聚集性。研究结果表明HBVDNA阳性的在岗饮食服务人员血清学检验结果符合法律规定 ,但是HBV的危险传染源。
Objective To improve the policy for control and prevention of hepatitis B on the basis of HBV infection among employees in public food services.Method HBV DNA was examined by PCR and microcell hybridization and fluorescence-based quantitative analyses. Familial clustering of HBV infection was analyzed with the fitness comparison by binomial distribution.Result 1 022 were HBsAg positive among 28 516 employees, the positive rate of HBsAg was 3.58%,among whom 364 (35.64%) employees were transferred from job. However, 234(35.56%) employees were HBV DNA positive in the 658 HBV positive employees who were permitted to retain the job according to law stipulation. Familial clustering rate in HBV infected individuals was 86.49% and the rate of intrafamilial HBV infection was 64.38%.The infection among familial members of HBV DNA positive employees was obviously familial clustering.Conclusion HBV DNA positive employees in accord with law stipulation are still potential spreading sources of HBV.
Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene