
杉木种子涩籽胚败育过程及其生理生化指标 被引量:8

Aborted Embryo, Its Physiology and Biochemistry of the Aborted Chinese Fir Seed
摘要 杉木种子胚胎发育解剖观察表明:涩籽主要在幼胚至后胚期形成,约占总涩籽率的70~80%。后胚期涩籽的胚明显萎缩,变灰黄色。胚乳细胞变红棕色,脂肪油滴明显减少。胚成熟期的涩籽,胚干瘪变形,部分胚乳细胞解体呈棕褐色至黑褐色,种皮稍皱缩较韧。后胚期涩籽的生理生化检测结果:呼吸强度降低,细胞原生质膜透性明显增加,总糖量、粗脂肪与粗蛋白含量明显下降,单宁含量则增加3倍多,过氧化物酶和多酚氧化酶活性明显降低,而脂肪酶活性有较大的增强。涩籽的胚败育过程中的解剖形态特征与生理生化反应的变化是吻合的,可作为鉴别涩籽的生理生化指标。 The results of the anatomy observation of the stated embryo development showed that the aborted embryo of the aborted Chinese fir seed is formed at the late embryonic period in the embryo development, that the outer form and colour of typical aborted seed are semblable to the normal seed, but with an aborted embryo, and that the endosperm is accompanied with much black tannin-like substance. Some physiological biochemical reaction in metabolites of the aborted embryos were determined, the test results indicating that the content of protein and fat in aborted seed are less than the normal one and the content of tannin-like substance is significantly higher than the normal one that there is a significant difference in the activity of peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and esterase between the normal seed and the aborted one.
出处 《福建林学院学报》 CSCD 1993年第4期401-406,共6页 Journal of Fujian College of Forestry
关键词 杉木 胚败育 种子 生理生化指标 Chinese fir, aborted seed, aborted embryo, enzyme activity
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