
氮磷肥配施效应对杜仲光合与蒸腾特性的影响 被引量:8

Effects of N and P fertilizers on photosynthesis and transpiration of Eucommia ulmoides
摘要 测定了经氮磷肥配施处理和对照的杜仲Eucommiaulmoides叶片的净光合速率、蒸腾速率等生理指标,并进行方差分析。结果表明:①杜仲光合最佳温度为28℃。②净光合速率的日变化呈"午休"型的双峰曲线,最高峰出现在9:00前后,次峰出现在12:00左右。③蒸腾速率日变化呈单峰曲线,峰值出现在11:00左右。④处理N1P2(mN∶mP2O5=1 0∶1 2)的日平均光合速率为对照的174 3%,是试验中最优的氮磷配比,建议推广应用该配方。 The rates of photosynthesis and transpiration of leaves of Eucommia ulmoides applied with nitrogenous and phosphatic fertilizers were measured for the analysis of variance. The findings showed that(1) the optimum temperature for the photosynthesis of Eucommia ulmoides was 28 ℃.(2) The daily changes in the net photo-synthesis rate took a shape of dual-peak curve; the high peak appeared around 9(∶)00 am and the secondary peak appeared around 12(:)00 am.(3) The daily changes in the transpiration took the shape of single-peak curve; the peak value appeared around 11:00 am.(4) The average rate of daily photosynthesis of Eucommia ulmoides treated with N and P fertilizers (m_N∶m_(P_2O_5)=1.0∶1.2 ) was 174.3% higher than that in the control group. Therefore, this formula of N and P fertilizers was worth recommending.
出处 《浙江林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期254-257,共4页 Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College
基金 "九五"国家林业局重点中试推广项目(1996中字19号)
关键词 树木生理学 杜仲 氮肥 磷肥 光合作用 蒸腾速率 tree physiology Eucommia ulmoides nitrogenous fertilizers phosphatic fertilizers photosynthesis transpiration rate
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